use software CAT to make it, and the programm "Word" to review your traslation and post in the comments.
traslating the following article from BBC of London:
Egypt military pledges to
speed up power transfer
Egypt's military rulers have agreed to speed up presidential elections, a key demand of protesters packing Cairo's Tahrir Square.
Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi said on national TV they would happen by July 2012.
He said parliamentary elections due next week would go ahead and that a referendum on an immediate transfer of power would be organised if necessary.
It follows days of protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square over the pace of reform.
Tens of thousands of people continued to pack Tahrir Square on Tuesday evening.
Witnesses said many appeared to reject the military's latest concessions, chanting: "We are not leaving, he (Tantawi) leaves."
The US, in its strongest comments yet on the renewed unrest in Egypt, condemned the use of "excess" force by police. At least 28 people have been killed and hundreds injured since Saturday.
US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland called on Egyptian authorities to "exercise maximum restraint".
Next week's parliamentary elections are due to set in train a process of transition to democracy following the toppling of President Hosni Mubarak in February.
But many Egyptians fear the military intends to hold on to power, whatever the outcome of the polls.
Under the military's original timetable, presidential elections might not have happened until 2013.
traslate into english:
La muerte de una adolescente conmueve a Francia
La semana pasada, Francia descubrió con emoción el nombre y la linda cara de Agnès Marin. Con apenas 13 años de edad, la adolescente fue llevada a un bosque de una región del centro de Francia, violada y asesinada. Su verdugo luego quemó su cuerpo sin vida.
El caso de Agnès estuvo en la portada de muchos de los diarios del país y estremeció a los franceses. El pasado domingo, más de 4.000 personas participaron en una marcha para rendirle homenaje a la joven víctima en la ciudad de Chambon-sur-Lignon, donde acudía al internado Cévenol.
Error de la justicia
El debate que sacude a Francia y a su clase política se centra en su presunto asesino. Uno de sus compañeros del colegio fue quien guió a los policías hasta el lugar del crimen dos días después de la desaparición de la chica.
Martin tiene apenas 17 años, pero ya había sido imputado en otro caso. Está acusado de haber violado a otra adolescente de 15 años, en agosto del 2010. Después de cuatro meses en la cárcel, expertos en psiquiatría habían considerado que su rehabilitación era posible, y que el joven podía salir libre bajo control judicial.
good luck!
3 comentarios:
The death of a teenager moved to France
Last week, France discovered with excitement the name and pretty face of Agnes Marin. At just 13 years old, the teenager was taken to a forest in a region of central France, raped and murdered. His executioner then burned his body lifeless.
The case of Agnes was on the cover of many newspapers in the country and shocked the French. On Sunday, more than 4,000 people participated in a march to pay tribute to the young victim in the town of Chambon-sur-Lignon, where he went to boarding Cévenol.
Miscarriage of justice
The debate that shook France and its political class focuses on his alleged murderer. One of his classmates was the one who led the police to the crime scene two days after the disappearance of the girl.
Martin is just 17 years, but had been accused in another case. He is accused of raping another 15 year old in August 2010. After four months in prison, psychiatric experts had thought that rehabilitation was possible and that the young man could go free under judicial control.
ramon duarte 8025.. este articulo habla sobre una tragedia q le paso a una chica de solo 13 años y q conmovio a francia
The death of a teenager moved to France
Last week, France discovered with excitement the name and pretty face of Agnes Marin. At just 13 years old, the teenager was taken to a forest in a region of central France, raped and murdered. His executioner then burned his body lifeless.
The case of Agnes was on the cover of many newspapers in the country and shocked the French. On Sunday, more than 4,000 people participated in a march to pay tribute to the young victim in the town of Chambon-sur-Lignon, where he went to boarding Cévenol.
Miscarriage of justice
The debate that shook France and its political class focuses on his alleged murderer. One of his classmates was the one who led the police to the crime scene two days after the disappearance of the girl.
Martin is just 17 years, but had been accused in another case. He is accused of raping another 15 year old in August 2010. After four months in prison, psychiatric experts had thought that rehabilitation was possible and that the young man could go free under judicial control.
richard rangel 8306
The death of a teenager moved to France
Last week, France discovered with excitement the name and pretty face of Agnes Marin. At just 13 years old, the teenager was taken to a forest in a region of central France, raped and murdered. His executioner then burned his body lifeless.
The case of Agnes was on the cover of many newspapers in the country and shocked the French. On Sunday, more than 4,000 people participated in a march to pay tribute to the young victim in the town of Chambon-sur-Lignon, where he went to boarding Cévenol.
Miscarriage of justice
The debate that shook France and its political class focuses on his alleged murderer. One of his classmates was the one who led the police to the crime scene two days after the disappearance of the girl.
Martin is just 17 years, but had been accused in another case. He is accused of raping another 15 year old in August 2010. After four months in prison, psychiatric experts had thought that rehabilitation was possible and that the young man could go free under judicial control.
darwin maldeonado
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