jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

translation...techniques ing secction 01 & 02

para la traduccion de un texto origen a un meta...hay distintas técnicas que podemos emplear asi como procedimientos que nos son utiles para comprobar la exactitud de una traducción, algunas de estas técnicas ya las hemos dejado en claro en el salón de clases.

para efectos de la traducción de sus articulos, el metodo mas apropiado es el de traducción asistida por computadora, o CAT por sis siglas en ingles,

La traducción, como ya lo hemos visto es un proceso laborioso y casi un "arte". Sin embargo, podemos llegar a realizar traducciones de muy buena calidad, ahora para los efectos del proceso que llevamos vamos a experimentar un poco con lo que es conocido como "traducción asistida por computadora" o CAT (computer aid traslation). Para lograr traducciones asertivas debemos seguir algunas recomendaciones, por ejemplo: cuando buscamos un software especializado en la traducción debemos tener en cuenta que cumpla con nuestras necesidades, algunos programas para traducción nos ofrecen opciones para realizar traducciones mas fieles según el tipo de texto que vamos a traducir, si estamos traduciendo algo relacionado al ámbito medico, científico, deportivo, o cultura general. en segundo lugar luego de elegir el software siempre es recomendable comparar los resultados con la traducción que realice algún otro programa, si traducimos con el "google traslator", comparemos la traducción con el que realice por ejemplo, el "yahoo babelfish". el resultado de este comparación nos puede dar una idea general de cual seria la traducción exacta y podríamos corregir algunos detalles. Y finalmente siempre es recomendable realizar una revisión final de la traducción con los criterios de la traducción manual (la que realizamos nosotros) para estar seguros.

cuando se realizan traducciones de español a inglés con un software CAT, siempre es recomendable realizar una comparación de comprobación, que quiero decir al realizar la primera traducción ESP/ING, el resultado de la traducción lo llevamos a otro traductor y lo traducimos de nuevo a español, si el resultado de este nuevo proceso es similar al texto original, la traducción que hicimos al inglés es correcta, sino tenemos que cambiar y revisar algunos términos para obtener un resultado satisfactorio.

ahora como actividad, vamos a realizar la traducción, busquen en Internet dos artículos, uno en español y otro en ingles y realizan las debidas traducciones (español/inglés e ingles a español), no deben ser tan extensos y deben tener alguna dificultad en sus términos y estilo de escritura, después de realizada la traducción, postean los resultados -texto origen y texto meta-.junto con algunos comentarios suyos.

y en los siguentes enlaces tendrán algúnos softwares en linea que le permítiran realizar sus traducciones!experimenten con todos!

Yahoo babelfish

Google traslator

reference traslator


intenten traducir el siguiente parrafo:

A South Korean rocket appears to have exploded moments after take-off, ending the country's latest attempt to join the space-launch industry.

The Korea Space Launch Vehicle 1 is thought to have blown up 137 seconds after take-off, said science minister Ahn Byong-man.

The rocket lifted off from Goheung's Naro Space Centre at 1701 (0801 GMT).

But contact was lost as the rocket reached an altitude of 70 kilometres (44 miles).

"Looking from the bright flash seen on the camera mounted on the tip of the rocket, it appears [the KSLV-1] exploded in flight during the first-stage ignition," said Mr Ahn.

Pictures on South Korean television appear to show the rocket's final moments, with the cameras following a white speck on its downward trajectory into the sea.

Analysts say the reported failure is a major setback for South Korea in what some observers have described as an "Asian space race".

from bbc.com.uk june, 10 www.ciberenglish.blogspot.com

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

reading comprenhension strategies ING-02

well, in this practice I need that you put in practice the techniques learned and explained in class for reading a text in a foreing languague. the following text is in english and you will try to understand or answer some questions about it, remember don´t try to traslate just read the text

The Channel Tunnel, (French: le tunnel sous la Manche; often nicknamed the Chunnel in English) is a rail tunnel beneath the English Channel at the Straits of Dover, connecting Cheriton in Kent, England and Sangatte in northern France. A long-standing and hugely expensive project that saw several false starts, it was finally completed in 1994. It is the second longest rail tunnel in the world, surpassed only by the Seikan Tunnel in Japan. It is operated by Eurotunnel plc.

In 1957 the Channel Tunnel Study Group was formed. It reported in 1960 and recommended a railway tunnel of two main tunnels and a smaller service tunnel. The project was launched in 1973 but folded due to financial problems in 1975 after the construction of a 250 m test tunnel.

In 1984 the idea was relaunched with an Anglo-French government request for proposals to build a privately funded link. Of the four submissions received the one most closely resembling the 1973 plan was chosen and announced on January 20, 1986. The Fixed Link Treaty was signed by the two governments in Canterbury, Kent on February 12, 1986 and ratified in 1987.

The planned route of the tunnel took it from Calais to Folkestone (a route rather longer than the shortest possible crossing) and the tunnel was to follow a single chalk stratum (which meant the tunnel was deeper than the previous attempt). For much of its route, the tunnel is nearly 40 m under the seafloor, with the southern section being deeper than the northern.

Digging the tunnel took 15,000 workers over seven years, with tunnelling operations conducted simultaneously from both ends. The prime contractor for the construction was the Anglo-French TransManche Link, a consortium of 10 construction companies and 5 banks of the two countries. Engineers used large tunnel boring machines (TBMs), mobile excavation factories that combined drilling, material removal, and the process of shoring up the soft and permeable tunnel walls with a concrete liner. After the British and French TBMs had met near the middle, the French TBM was dismantled while the British one was diverted into the rock and abandoned. Almost 4 million cubic metres of chalk were excavated on the English side, much of which was dumped below Shakespeare Cliff near Folkestone to reclaim 90 acres (360,000 m²) of land from the sea.

The Channel Tunnel consists of three parallel tunnels: two primary rail tunnels, which carry trains north and south, and a smaller access tunnel. This access tunnel, which is served by narrow wheeled vehicles, is interconnected, by means of transverse passages, to the main tunnels at regular intervals. It allows maintenance workers access to the tunnel complex and provides a safe route for escape during emergencies.

When the two tunnels met 40 m beneath the English Channel seabed on December 1, 1990, in what was to become one of the "crossover halls" that allow diversion of trains from one main tunnel to the other, it became possible to walk on dry land from Britain to mainland Europe for the first time since the end of the last ice age, over 13,000 years ago. The British and French efforts, which had been guided by laser surveying methods, met with less than 2 cm of error.

The tunnel was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II and French President François Mitterrand in a ceremony held in Calais on May 6, 1994.

Answer teh following questions:

1.The Channel Tunnel was completed in 1994?

2.The tunnel runs 40m under the sea?

3.There are three parallel tunnels inside the Chunnel?

4.The tunnels from both ends met in 1990?

good luck!!!

reading comprenhension strategies ING-01

well, in this practice I need that you put in practice the techniques learned and explained in class for reading a text in a foreing languague. the following text is in english and you will try to understand or answer some questions about it, remember don´t try to traslate just read the text


The House of Lords is a component of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, which also includes the Sovereign and the House of Commons. The House of Lords is an unelected body, consisting of 26 senior clerics of the Church of England (the "Lords Spiritual"), as well as 669 members of the Peerage (the "Lords Temporal"). Lords Spiritual serve as long as they continue to occupy their ecclesiastical positions, but Lords Temporal serve for life. Members of the House of Lords are known as "Lords of Parliament".

The House of Lords originated in the 14th century and has been in almost continuous existence since. It was abolished in 1649 by the revolutionary government that came to power during the English Civil War, but was restored in 1660.

The House of Lords (the "Upper House") was once more powerful than the elected House of Commons (the "Lower House"). Since the 19th century, however, the powers of the House of Lords have been steadily declining; now, the Upper House is far weaker than its parliamentary counterpart.

Under the Parliament Act 1911, most legislation passed by the House of Commons can be delayed, but cannot be rejected, by the House of Lords. Reforms were enacted under the House of Lords Act 1999, which removed the automatic hereditary right of many peers to sit in the Upper House. Additional reforms are contemplated by the current Labour Government, but have not been passed into law.

In addition to performing legislative functions, the House of Lords also holds judicial powers: it constitutes the highest court of appeal for most cases in the United Kingdom. The judicial functions of the House of Lords are not performed by the whole Chamber, but rather by a group of members with legal experience, who are known as "Law Lords". The House of Lords is not the only court of last resort in the United Kingdom; in some cases, that role is fulfilled by the Privy Council.

The full, formal style of the House of Lords is: The Right Honourable The Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled. The House of Lords, like the House of Commons, meets in the Palace of Westminster.

answer the following questions:

1. Do the members of the House of Lords are elected by the people?

2. Do Members of the House of Lords are known as "Lords of Parliament"?

3.The House of Lords has also judicial powers?

4.The House of Lords meets in the Palace of Westminster?

5. make an short summarized of the article, use your own words to make it, use spanish if you want..
good luck