


well in this case you will extrapoled it the menssge from the context.
in the following text you are goint to read a text an try to explain it meaning on spanish with out traslating.

Bionic legs designed by two Scottish engineers have been approved for sale in the UK for people who have difficulty walking.Rex robotic legs were developed by old school-friends from Fort William, Richard Little and Robert Irving.The pair now live in New Zealand and started work on the project eight years ago after Robert was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.Rex Bionics is among a handful of firms who have created exoskeletons.After diagnose Robert faced a future, like his mother and Richard's mother, using a wheelchair."There's a lot of secondary complications with using a wheelchair," Richard Little explained."Because you're not using your legs and standing and walking, there's a load of medical complications that come with that."So we thought we'd do something different. We would get people back on their feet again."
use the comments space to explain me.