miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

Infinitivos. teoria y ejecicios que incluyen su uso.

El infinitivo inglés va normalmente precedido de la partícula 'to':
To be / ser
To run / correrTo speak / hablar

El infinitivo expresa el significado del verbo de una manera general, sin referencia a tiempo alguno.
Además del infinitivo simple, como 'to speak', también hay infinitivos progresivo ('to be speaking'), perfectos ('to have spoken') y pasivos ('to be spoken')
- El infinitivo puede ser usado solo o como parte de una frase de infinitivo.We began to run / Empezamos a correr
- Puede ser sujeto o complemento en una expresión u oración
To save money now seems impossible / Ahorrar ahora parece imposibleI'ts good to see you / Me alegro de verte
The worse thing is to panic / Lo peor es tener pánico

- Puede expresar un deber u obligación cuando sigue al verbo to be
You are not to smoke here / No debe fumar aquí
- Puede expresar un propósito o la razón por la que alguien hace algo.
He went to England to learn English / Fueron a Inglaterra a aprender inglés.
Craig went to the supermarket to buy some chocolate.
Craig fue al supermercado a comprar chocolate.NOT ( for to buy / for buying / for buy )

- Puede ser el complemento u objeto de un verbo, nombre o adjectivo.
She wants to pay / Ella quiere pagarHis plan is to keep us in suspense / Su plan es mantenernos en suspense
I had the privilege to work with Mr. Taggart / Tuve el privilegio de trabajar con el señor Taggart
I'm very pleased to meet you / Encantado de conocerle
Craig's very fortunate to have such good friends / Craig tiene mucha suerte de tener tan buenos amigos

- Puede ser usado (sin 'to') después de 'do' o de un verbo  modal auxiliar como 'must', 'may', 'might', etc.
Do you live alone? / ¿Vives solo?
I might go to the pub after dinner / Quizás vaya al pub después de la cena

- Hay verbos en inglés que pueden tener detrás el objeto y luego un verbo en infinitivo (con ‘to’).

Tell I told you to wash your hands. NOT I told you that you wash your hands.
She invited me to go to her party. NOT She invited me that I go to her party.
They didn’t allow us to smoke in their office. NOT They didn’t allow that we smoke in their office.

a continuación encontrarn Likns donde poner en practica los "infinitivos"



lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

non-prose reading / prose reading

in the following pics we`re goint to watch some examples of a kind of languague used to express a message on english. pay attention to everyone and try to explain me what kind of produt they sells




well in this case you will extrapoled it the menssge from the context.
in the following text you are goint to read a text an try to explain it meaning on spanish with out traslating.

Bionic legs designed by two Scottish engineers have been approved for sale in the UK for people who have difficulty walking.
Rex robotic legs were developed by old school-friends from Fort William, Richard Little and Robert Irving.
The pair now live in New Zealand and started work on the project eight years ago after Robert was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
Rex Bionics is among a handful of firms who have created exoskeletons.
After diagnose Robert faced a future, like his mother and Richard's mother, using a wheelchair.
"There's a lot of secondary complications with using a wheelchair," Richard Little explained.
"Because you're not using your legs and standing and walking, there's a load of medical complications that come with that.
"So we thought we'd do something different. We would get people back on their feet again."

use the comments space to explain me.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

execises about gerunds and infinitives ....

 please follow the links to do the exercises and practice for the next exam



please put yout score on the comments

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

infinitives exercises: verbs following directly by a infinitive

well in this first practice I want that you put on practices the ideas given in clases about the use of the infinitives in english. please follow the link and do the online exercises


martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

sentences in english (practices)

in teh previous link you are going to find some exercises about the order of the elements in a sentences. please do the task and give me you results

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

paragraphs II (ing-01)

Paragraph WritingWhat is a paragraph?It is a group of sentences that introduces, presents and developsonemain idea aboutthe topic. And it can be divided intothreemajor parts.A.
The Topic Sentence 
It is normally the first sentence of the paragraph.
It conveys the overall point of the paragraph.
It helps the writer focus on the idea written about.
It helps the reader know about what the paragraph is all about.B.

The  Supporting  Details 
They are sentences used to support the main idea stated in the topic sentence.
They give more information about the main idea through examples.
They say in details what the topic sentence says in general.
They should be clear evidence that what the topic sentence says is trustworthy.
They should be strong convincing points on which the topic sentence can rely upon.C.

Concluding  Sentence 
It is a reflection of the main idea pronounced in the topic sentence.
It sums up what the topic sentence and the supporting details talk about.
It is the closing sentence that reminds the readers of what they have to value.
It is compulsory for the completion of the paragraph unity.
It eventually indicates the end of a paragraph.
It prepares the reader for a smooth transition to the next paragraph if there is one.

How to write your paragraph
Paragraph writing consists of many necessar
elements to be taken intoconsideration before, while and after

In this stage it is important to specify the topic you are intending to tackle.
 Take a sheet of paper and just start jotting down notes that have tightconnection with your topic.

In this stage, mistakes and word-order are to be overlooked momentarily.
After you gathered the data necessary for your topic the next step is to betaken.

Do the exercise about writting propused in the PDF file. posted when you completed it


martes, 3 de julio de 2012

writing paragraphs (ing-01)

in this entry I need that you write 3 short paragraphs trying to follow the steps discussed in classes, in each paragraph intend talking about differents topics.

posted numbered!. (write them on english)